Storyboard by Long, Sam, and Dror
The allowances of stop motion as a medium can seem endless. The laws of physics can take a break and wait outside, as stop-motion animation make material take different shapes and forms. Inspired by this notion, we want to tell a story that uses a different medium, takes ordinary objects our their original context, and provides new layers of meaning.

In the first gif, we tell the story of two coffee beans who meet one another on a park bench. Like people who may be in a similar situation, they decide to grab coffee together.

In the second scene, the coffee beans drink coffee together until one of them realizes what coffee is made of and passes out.
The main concept behind this is humanizing an ordinary object and utilizing the stop motion medium to bring them to life. Additionally, we want to experiment with different mediums to create this animation, using a photograph as a background, a real coffee bean as the object, and maybe another layer of digital animation.
Some of the inspiration for this project came from the oscar-nominated stop-motion animation, which took ordinary objects out of their context to give them entirely new meanings.